Published May 25, 2010
The All iS8/Nike Teams
Maurice Wingate Publisher
The iS8/Nike Spring H.S. Classic is a grueling tournament in which 60 teams participated but only one crosses the finish line.
While the NY Panthers have earned the crown this season, there were some outstanding individual performances throughout the event. Here are the All-iS8 teams as well as the player of the year as voted by the iS8 staff.
Devon Collier - Player of the Year
First Team
Jelan Kendrick - Sean Bell All-stars
J.J. Moore - NY Panthers
Eric Ferguson -Sean Bell All-stars
Elijah Carter - Sports University
Aaron Brown - New Heights (Sportsmanship)
Second Team
Maurice Harkless - Variety Boys & Girls Club
Derrick Williams - Sports University
Jamir Hanner - NIA Prep
Ryan Rhoomes - NY Panthers (MVP)
Jeffrey Short - NY Panthers
Third Team
Jermaine Sanders - New Heights
Nemaja Djursic - NY Panthers
Melsahn Basabe - NY Gauchos
Tony Parker - Unique All-stars
Jayvaughn Pinkston - New Heights
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